Friday, January 28, 2011

Ways to open blocked sites

Usually Firewalls in colleges or offices check the keywords that you are typing in address bars and block unwanted sites for office usage mostly related to social networking.
Whenever we type the keyword of a site or url it is converted to an ip address (in numbers) by the browser this is the ip adress of the site , Now we understand that we can access the site by the original name or by ip address , when we are accessing by ip address of the site , we indirectly cheat the firewall as they check for the keywords but some also check for ip address.
Here is a qucik list of server addresses of popular websites –> –>
To open the ip address of any site go to the site.... 
This process is speed when compared to other methods.
Another way to refer the blocked site is by using proxy servers you can google it for the list of proxy servers but this is slow process.However , another way is by using HTTP tunneling softwares.



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